Sunday, October 3, 2010

Wise Counsel

"Gaining wise counsel is like having
a detailed road map and a personal guide
while traveling on a long, challenging journey."
Mighty sequoia trees tower hundreds of feet in the air and can withstand intense environmental pressures. Lightening can strike them, fierce winds can blow, and forest fires can rage around them. But the sequoia endures, standing firm, only growing stronger through the trials.

One of the secrets to the strength of this giant tree is what goes on below the surface. Unlike many trees, they reach out and interlock their roots with the sequoias around them. Each becomes empowered and reinforced by the strength of the others.

Everyone needs wise counsel throughout life. Wise people constantly seek it and gladly receive it. Fools never ask for it and then ignore it when it's given to them. Those who interlock their lives in a network of others increase their chances of surviving the fiercest of storms.

~ The Love Dare p. 171

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